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Please enjoy an eclectic diversity of content and subjects created by Matt Chapman. This blog page gives more in depth detail and cool anecdotes pertaining to each video, film, or perhaps something else completely. On top of that, you will find info about the online video making paradigm, production, post-production and more. ChappyShowcase has content channels all over the web. All links for each channel are located for your convenience at a click of the button. Be sure to check the blog regularly to be updated on what is happening with Growing Up Guide Pup, ChappyShowcase, and GurillaTV. Or, better yet, subscribe to one of the RSS feeds so every new post is automatically emailed to you. Enjoy...and remember, keep that camera rollin!

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Monday, August 9, 2010

Growing Up Guide Pup - Week 26 - Obedience Course

The 20 year anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act was a few weeks ago. We managed to film it, but had not managed to squeeze it into an episode until today. Redwood City put on the event, and we went representing Guide Dogs For the Blind to help raise awareness.

Amie is doing a great job speaking as an ambassador for the guide dog puppy raiser, and I'm really proud of her. Not only is she doing what she has always done, but now she has the duty of hosting the web series and helping me come up with content each week. It was only a few years back when she would refuse to even let me film her in our home movies, but over time she has let her guard down and slowly come around to a point i didn't even see coming. I guess that is pretty much a given, if you are in my life, there is a chance you will end up in front of the camera in some way or another. Week 26 and our second episode with the new format below.

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